Iria & Vicente
25/01/2025 - Ottawa, ON
Your love and support are the best gift we could ask for! However, if you do wish to celebrate with a gift, a monetary gift would be gratefully accepted to help us build our future together. A card box will be available at the wedding, where you can drop in your gift and cards. Otherwise, we have provided some information for sending money below, depending on your preference. Thank you in advance!
Within Canada, you can send us money through e-transfer. We have auto deposit set-up under Iria’s name at the following email address:
[email protected]Please leave us a note to let us know who the gift is from! Thank you!
En España, por favor, envíe cualquier donación monetaria a través de Bizum. A continuación encontrará el número de teléfono de la cuenta. Número de teléfono:
+34 607 673 510Te agradeceríamos mucho que nos dejaras una nota para indicarnos de quién es el regalo. Muchas gracias.
If you are from any other country and would like to send us a monetary gift, please do so through PayPal Friends and Family feature. Please find the link and the username for our PayPal below.
Username: @irialiao08We would greatly appreciate if you would leave a note for us to let us know who this gift is from! Thank you!